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How to Get More Followers Using WordPress

Lately, I’ve come across some bloggers that are in the dark about gaining more followers using WordPress. They ask “How do they do that? How do the “popular” bloggers get that many followers?”

women walking in line

I’m here to tell you what I do as well as what I’ve noticed other WordPress bloggers do.

Now, some of you may just blog for the heck of it and not give a crap what others think or who follows and that’s great! However, for those of you who want to grow your blog (for whatever reason) here is the big secret.

Are you ready for this taboo, best kept secret? 😉


That’s right engagement!

What do I mean by that?

Over the course of three years, it took me about 2 1/2 years to get that the way to increase your following is as simple as finding and interacting with other people.

meet around tableAll I do is find other people’s blogs and interact. Sometimes, that means leaving a comment. Sometimes I give a like. Other times I share their posts. It depends on how I feel, really.

If you’re anything like me, that’s going to be hard to digest. Yes, it really is that simple and yes I know that I have to “prove” the worthiness of my advice since this blog doesn’t seem to be “popular.”

So, for the purpose of talking to skeptics like me, here is what I’ve done.

lrg logo white bckgroundI’ve been blogging for over three years using WordPress, Blogger, and some other platform I don’t remember. I’ve started approximately 7-10 blogs. Currently Thoughtful Minds United only has about 830 followers. We may have had more had I truly digest this earlier in time. We’ve actually been around maybe two years but since then, TMU has been changed into a (.com) rather than a ( At one point, we had around 13 writers but I shut the entire thing down in December of 2015 only to come back.

So, take that information as you will but this is one of the ways that I have the great blogger friends I have today. This is also how they found me.

There is no magic, just a whole lot of work.

Let me put it plainly.

wordpress bike

  1. Go to your WordPress Reader (
  2. Look to the left and click “Tags”
  3. Click “add”
  4. Type in a term that you’d like to read about such as “life,” “blogs”
  5. Go through each blog, find something that interests you and comment, like, or share the heck out of it!

But wait!

3 phonesThe kicker to this is that it must be genuine. Start a conversation that you actually want to have. Don’t say their work is great unless you actually think that it’s great.

That’s pretty much it folks! At least, that’s it in my view. Stay tuned because I’m coming out with a post (that may contradict what I said today) on why follower count really doesn’t matter.


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25 thoughts on “How to Get More Followers Using WordPress

  1. Hi, Fairen. Sometimes the answer to a problem is so simple we bypass the solution. Social media these days is about speed. I see so many engagements on other social media platforms where comments are a series of emojis or three word statements like ‘I love this.’ As you rightly say, building a following is about engagement. This takes, time, effort, and often courage. I think the quick click culture has created a false impression in the effort required to create true and meaningful connections.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had a “private-ish” WP blog before this one and I would just word vomit mostly and it was crazy how many followers I got. But the thing was, I was following and regularly commenting on other peoples blogs as well even if they never responded.

    This blog has been around for about 3 years but I’ve just started to come back to it and really try probably a year ago. I also have several self hosted WP blogs but those are harder to get followers for as there’s no reader for them lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Lately, I’ve been focusing a lot on my titles and content. I think that’s what it boils down to.

      Are your titles accurate BUT catching to the eye. Is your content something that others think is interesting.

      Does this answer your question?


  3. Exactly! Engagement, engagement, engagement. We bloggers need to roll our sleeves and do the work if we want to get more followers. I personally don’t care that much about how manyy followers I have. What’s more important to me are the conversations my posts trigger. I get more excited when I get comments than when I get followers. It gives me stronger sense of community.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you. Personally I have never worried at all about followers. WordPress opened a new door for me as I love being able to have a simple blog making an entry that is in line with the name of my blog site. I also have two websites and one in particular is where I express the absolute truth of my faith journey. It is not inter-active…… people come ie by accident or by word of mouth yet in the past couple of years it has been visited by 90,000 people many have left comments ( it is screened against abuse). Many folks I believe actually love the website and visit regularly. I don’t know who……I don’t really care…it is simply THERE. However the blog site is totally for interaction. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I have made many blogging friends that I both value and relate to yet we probably will never meet – we come from different hemispheres. Your blog sounds interesting I will indicate I would like to regularly see what you are writing. Cheers!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi, Faye! Thanks for your comment. 🙂 It is very interesting to see how you have your blogs set up. I love that we all can come on this platform for various reasons and still connect. There are many ways to use it and I’m glad I am able to meet you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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