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Find Your Unique Writing Voice- Part 7: Doing More Than You Thought You Could

Photo by cottonbro on

     I completed a book.     

       I told a story.   

     It is probably not the best story and will never become famous, but I wrote it.  

     From notes and comments in notebooks the story and the people became real.  I became committed to the folks in the story and, I cried when I finished it.

      It is called BEYOND THE ASHES and I self-published professionally with a friend’s financial help.

      It has not brought me financial gains, but I KNOW from comments received from diverse sources, it has brought comfort and help to many.  

        It is a fiction story but touches on real life 

       I will forever be grateful that, a bit at a time, over many years, I simply wrote a story about a family. It is a story of 1970 life in Australia and background is all truth. 

        Maybe some reading this doubt that they could ever write a story of book-length.

        My advice to you is, write, simply keep on writing, you may be surprised at what you can do if storytelling is your gift.  

         If you love writing simply keep on writing.   You may find a lot of what is now simply notes or thoughts can become something else, 

          Finding a unique voice was becoming clearer to me, but there is more.

            This may well be your answer, quicker than it was mine,

                                                         Part 8 to conclude.

                                KEEP ON WRITING!          

Check out the other four parts of the “Find Your Unique Writing Voice” series!

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