Writer Wednesday

Children´s Day

It´s been a long time sinceWikipedia_Children's_Day

my last post here, and a much longer time since I was a child…

Here in Portugal we celebrate children´s day today.

I guess I was a nice kid, and I have good memories of that time(s).

And you, dear follower , what do you remind of your days as a child?

4 thoughts on “Children´s Day

  1. What a great idea. A children’s Day – to remember. Long ago …writing on slates you could simply write and wash them with sponges. How good to always have a clean page. Thanks or sharing.


  2. It’s been a long time since I’ve celebrated Children’s Day and the things that reminds me of the days as a child: Recesses, playing on the swing, and of course, easy school work.


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