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Things (so help me God) I will never post about


Of course everyone can post about everything, but I´ve got my own limits.

Apart from explicit content (no mather its origin), it can be social, racial, religious or sexual violence, there are a few more subjects I avoid:

  1. There are dozens of posts where parents claim that their kids are some kind of genius. Of course they aren´t, they just do what other kids do at same age…So I will never post an article named “my son/daughter started to talk/walk …”


  1. There are also dozens of posts where people say that their pets are able of fantastic things. Once more that isn´t true, their pets do all that other pets do…So I will never post an article named “my dog barks” or “my cat meows”…


  1.  There are lots of posts fulfilled with what their authors consider to be “good advices”, but most of them consider us as “brainless”, so I will never post an article like this ” If you have two identical products at home, one valid until September the first, and other valid until October the first, you should first consume the one valid until September the first”, or, “please don´t wear warm clothes when its very hot outside”…


There are other subjects I dislike, but “wonder kids, pets and advices” are subjects I will never post about 🙂


And you, about what you will never post about?


P.S. – This post was published for the first time about a year ago, on the former edition of TMU


8 thoughts on “Things (so help me God) I will never post about

  1. I will never post about stuff that is violent, derisive, or could cause harm but I will post always what is my personal truth even if this is not the truth for others. In that TRUTH perhaps other things filter through but positive in a negative world is where I write and live. Thanks for post.

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