Writer Wednesday

Prompts to Jump Start Your Writing

Happy Writer(s) Wednesday!

We haven’t done one of these in a while. So, all day, we will be sharing writing prompts that can help with that case of writers block!

Plus, writers month is coming up, what are you doing to celebrate?


9 thoughts on “Prompts to Jump Start Your Writing

  1. Could someone please explain to me what NaNoWriMo actually is. I have heard it a few times but unsure the how where and why of it. I’m in the middle of a very long project so writing prompts are helpful but not vital to ongoing work. However, perhaps this one may be helpful to someone………She collected the mail. Among the letters was one with a strange foreign stamp on it. Her heart raced………..
    ? thanks for blog


  2. I’ve got a couple of project ideas I plan to work on during NaNoWriMo. One is a story called Vibrations in the storm, and I want to work on the second book in my Stepping Stones mystery series. What are your NaNoWriMo plans?

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